Sexuality – Coming out etiquette for the straight – By Eun Kyung Kim – The Associated Press

You had always suspected it about that friend, co-worker, neighbor – and now that person has confirmed it by coming out as gay.

Quick, what do you say?

How should you react? Play it cool? Look surprised?

Straight folks who still aren’t quite sure are getting help in a booklet written specifically for them by the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.

“A Straight Guide to GLBT Americans” is a 21-page pamphlet aimed at sorting through the typical emotions and questions that arise when a friend or loved one comes out about being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.

The brochure is the first that the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s leading gay civil rights group, has written specifically for straight people, said Mark Shields, director of the organization’s Coming Out Project.