Survey: Job discrimination still widespread

There may be laws on the books against discrimination, but it?s still widespread in U.S. business, according to a survey released Tuesday by, on online job site, and Kelly Services Inc. (NASDAQ: KELYA).

Twenty-three percent of workers said they have been discriminated against or treated unfairly in the workplace based on their ?diverse? background. The survey described a ?diverse? worker as one who was any of the following: disabled, African-America, Asian, Hispanic, female, over 50 or gay, lesbian, bisexual or transexual.

Individuals with disabilities reported the highest incidence at 44 percent of workers while Asian workers and mature workers reported the lowest incidence at 21 percent each.

The other diverse groups iaveraged 28 percent (African American 30 percent; Hispanic 29 percent; female 25 percent; and GLBT 28 percent).