The absence of trans men in pornography – Sarah Marloff

A few months ago some friends and I ventured into Good Vibrations in the Mission on a quest for some good porn. I was interested in seeing some “straight” FtM porn-i.e. a movie with a trans man having sex with a woman-but to my chagrin there wasn’t much of that genre to be found. Why not?

There seems to be a plethora of porn with trans women (MtF) and cis-men, often referred to as Shemale Porn, where straight men get “tricked.” Porn star, Wendy Williams talked to San Francisco Bay Guardian about her fanbase being largely made up of straight men and why she believes there’s a lack of FtM porn out there-commenting that FtMs still have “a female brain” while she still has a “male brain”-this is problematic to me on many levels and I do not agree with her in the slightest…