The Cure for Masturbators – Lisa Drostova

The Rocky Horror Show
Written by Richard O’Brien; Directed by Kevin Morales; At the Town Hall Theatre Company of Lafayette through September 23

Anyone who’s seen the movie Fame knows that among the cognoscenti, people who have never seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show are called “virgins,” and that those who have become its habitu?s are “sluts.” But did you know that those who haven’t seen the original stage production, The Rocky Horror Show, are “masturbators”? Clearly, it was time to reduce the number of masturbators in Lafayette. So the Town Hall Theatre, ever concerned with civic duty, stepped into the breach with the most outrageous thing that’s happened on a Contra Costa stage in years, maybe ever. “When I started here,” Kevin Morales explained the night I went, “it was nothing but farces, and tickets were down.”