The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency – Claudia Charriez

Claudia Charriez – Age 24 – From New York

Ever since I was 16 everywhere I?ve ever gone someone always thought I was a model. I would get stopped on the street and handed agency cards and when I would go meet with them, the whole ?transsexual? thing always seemed to get people stumped. So I kinda gave up and did make-up. After Top Model and winning Tyra?s first ?TS? Top Model with Janice as a judge, I feel like I?ve been given a second chance so I?m going for it full force. Being a New Yorker and now moving to the West coast to start my career and new adventure is a big change, but who gets this sort of opportunity handed to them on a silver platter, especially girls like myself.

Note from Jon: There’s a nice little video clip on this page of Claudia talking about her self and goals.