The lady in red – By Leah Haines

It’s never been easier to convince an MP to pose in front of Parliament.

With a flick of her multi-toned locks, Georgina Beyer, the world’s first transsexual MP, has flung herself eagerly at the stone plinth above which Prime Minister Richard Seddon stands immortalised in bronze.

She leans into King Dick’s leg, her teeth quickly licked of any vestiges of lippy and, hands on hips, eyes fixed with that kissy-kissy stare, pouts into the photographer’s lens.

Suddenly – “How’s this?” – she whips her fur-lined jacket open to reveal a to-die-for figure in elegant black, draped with chains of faux gold and garnet-coloured gems.

“When it comes to cameras, once a queen…” Beyer winks, then sinks into the fox fur trim with a giggle.

Beyer is heading for the old stage lights again after announcing she’ll quit next February after seven years in Parliament to take up a role in Christchurch’s Fortune Theatre.