I was so pleased when my Newsweek arrived in the mail this week. The cover story puts the long-avoided issue of gender identity prominently on newsstands. Using basic explanations, individual profiles and a gallery of portraits, author Debra Rosenberg paints a detailed picture of transgendered people for the uninformed and advocates alike.
Barbara Walters put an even smaller minority in the spotlight in a ’20/20′ piece titled “‘I’m a Girl’ ? Understanding Transgender Children.” Jazz, the youngest of four kids for the Jennings family, began showing signs that he is actually a she at just 15 months. Now age 6, Jazz’s parents accept her for who she is mentally and wants to be physically ? a female.
All of the stories featured in both those outlets are inspiring, heartbreaking and influential. It would take someone with the mentality of Peter LaBarbera, executive director for Americans for Truth, to spin them the wrong way.