Trans Rockers A Little Bit Country – by Jacob Anderson-Minshall

?If Keith Richards was a tranny that got together with Merle Haggard, I?d be their love child,? declares trans rock ing?nue Shawna Virago. ?Only a lot better-looking.?

Dubbed ?the sex symbol laureate? of trans rock, Virago is far more than a pretty face. The singer-songwriter is also an activist, writer, filmmaker and actress.

As a filmmaker, Virago?s black-and-white shorts include Hustle, Shut Up, Josephine! and Almost Human. Now working on her fourth film, Virago says, ?I have a very DIY aesthetic and?just like my songwriting?I prioritize content above all else.?

Having starred in several underground movies, Virago is adamant: ?Hollywood could never portray a trans woman like myself, or like most of the trans people I know?hence, the importance of festivals like Tranny Fest.?