Transgender Economic Empowerment Initiative: Show Your Support!

Urgent Action Alert:
Please forward to supporters of the transgender community in San Francisco!

Come Show Your Support for the Transgender Economic Empowerment Initiative

San Francisco’s Transgender Economic Empowerment Initiative (TEEI) just received the news that our valuable and innovative program is being cut from the San Francisco budget. The TEEI collaborative partners, who include the Transgender Law Center, the LGBT Community Center, Jewish Vocational Service and SF TEAM, were shocked when we learned that TEEI is being eliminated due to budget cuts at the Human Services Agency.

We need your voice to save this crucial program!

Tomorrow morning the San Francisco Human Services Commission is holding a hearing on the proposed budget cuts. Please join us! We need people to attend the hearing to show the Commissioners how important TEEI is to our community.

Save TEEI!

9:30 am TOMORROW (Thursday, April 22, 2010)

Human Services Commission Hearing
Born Auditorium
170 Otis Street (@ Octavia Blvd & Mission St), San Francisco