Transgender Menace

San Francisco Bay Times – Jacob Anderson-Minshall

Eli Green can?t stop multi-tasking. Five seconds after the New York native swears he shut off his computer, I hear the telltale tapping of finger-tips on lettered keys.
Even when grad school finals hung over his head Green found time to multi-task.

?I was procrastinating on finals,? Green jokes. ?And I didn?t really want to work on it. So I started [the] website.?

Now in it?s third year, clocks 50,000 unique hits annually. ?Trans research right now is like the place to be.? Green says. ?It?s the new hot topic? you can research just about anything because so little research has actually been done?

In his work Green explores intersections of trans identity and feminism, and makes the controversial assertion that accepting gender-variance could rock the foundations of the feminist movement. Other feminists agree that the queerification of gender threatens feminism?but, unlike Green, they argue that trans people are patriarchal dupes. Janice Raymond furthered this contention in 1979?s The Transsexual Empire (reprinted in 1994), and this decade?s urges resistance to ?trans politics? on the grounds that it questions the feminist premise of only ?two socially created classes of human, male and female.?