Transgender performer brings body issues, comedy, understanding to stage – Molly Gilmore – For The Olympian

Transgender performance artist Scott Turner Schofield has so many stories that he lets the audience pick a number and choose which ones he’ll tell.

Schofield – who was raised as a girl but always has identified as male – will perform his one-man show “Becoming a Man in 127 Easy Steps” Saturday at The Evergreen State College, before it opens in Seattle. The show was commissioned by the National Performance Network, making Schofield the first openly transgender artist to be funded by the group.

He tells stories in the conventional way, but he also tells them with his body.

“I’m a storyteller,” said Schofield of Atlanta. “A challenge I gave myself is how do I tell stories in other ways. I took up aerial dance, using fabric.” The show has a beginning, middle and end that features the acrobatic dance.