Transgender woman reflects on life changes – BY Sha’Day Jackson

Robbie Cohn, 56, has decided she will no longer pretend to be someone she is not.

“After the genie was out of the bottle, I told myself that I would never live in denial ever again,” said Cohn, who was born a man but has been living for 41/2 years as a transgender woman.

“I don’t deny the fact that I’m transgender. By the same token, I don’t wear a T-shirt that says, ‘kiss me, I’m trans.’ I don’t have it tattooed on my forehead.”

Confused, in denial and living a lie are the words to describe the emotions Cohn kept built up inside until she came out and began to live her life as a woman and not a man.

“I thought that somehow it would go away,” said Cohn, recalling how uncomfortable she felt while living as a man. “(I thought) that there was a way to cure it, a way to stop it … “