Transgender Workplace Survey

While lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues may be gaining momentum and visibility in popular culture, it often feels as though resources and available information are largely limited to lesbian and gay issues. As a way to promote understanding of transgender specific issues, researchers from the psychology department at theUniversity of Florida developed a questionnaire for transgender individuals across North America that would examine and document their experiences on the job.

We chose to focus on workplace issues because this seemingly narrower field encompasses many dimensions of interactions with other people — for example, relations to same-level colleagues, interactions with bosses and supervisors, social functions, using restrooms and sharing gender-specific facilities. What does it mean to be a transgender individual at work? What is it like to transition while employed with a company? How do others respond to gender bending?

You may find that a few of the questions don’t apply specifically to you, or your job–but other questions may feel very applicable. That’s fine (I want to capture all experiences), just answer as many of the questions as you can, and you may always leave an item blank if you feel like you do not have enough information to respond accurately.

Thank you!
University of Florida