TransPhobia / TransFear / TransIgnorance / TransBlinding / TransHu – Laura Sacks

?Transphobia refers to various kinds of aversions towards transsexuality and transsexual or transgender people, often taking the form of refusal to accept a person’s expression of their internal gender identity (see Phobia – terms indicating prejudice or class discrimination). Whether intentional or not, transphobia can have severe consequences for the object of the negative attitude. Many transpeople also experience homophobia from people who incorrectly associate the medically recognized condition of gender identity disorder as a form of homosexuality?

From day one, we are born into a world of differences and similarities. The cookie cutter houses are the ones that give the differences those bad looks. It is a popularity contest from day one. Jane has nicer shoes so she is at the top. John, he plays football and everyone loves him. But what happens, when that mold doesn?t fit?