Transsexual MP offered granny role in film of life – By Cliff Taylor

Former prostitute, drag queen, mayor, MP and man, Georgina Beyer has been a person of many parts – but the prospect of playing her own grandmother in a film of her life proved one role too far.

Beyer, famous as the world’s first transsexual member of Parliament, says she was offered a cameo in the forthcoming biopic, provisionally titled Girl, but turned it down.

“I overlooked the age issue,” said Beyer. “But I said ‘no thank you’. I loved her very much, but she died when I was 9. And I’ve got to divorce myself from the creative process.”

The film, due to go into production next year, is being made by Australian company Lone Hand, produced by New Zealander Roger Simpson. The script was written by Simpson’s partner Sally Irwin.