Transvestite Court Drama Stuns Nigeria

Protesters Stone Alleged Cross Dresses and Courthouse

From Roy Pearson to Anna Nicole’s baby daddy, this has been a year of trials absurd enough for Kafka, but apparently America doesn’t have a monopoly on courtroom bizarre. Over in Bauchi, Nigeria, 18 men went to court today, accused of attending a transvestite hotel party.

Officially they have been charged under Islamic Sharia law with “addressing each other as women and dressing themselves as women.” If convicted they could get up to 30 cane lashes and 1 year in prison. Fortunately for them it appears they have dodged sodomy/homosexuality charges which carry the much stiffer penalty of death by stoning.

The accused, who are mostly in their 20s claim they were attending an innocent “graduation party,” however police produced high heels and handbags (Tinky Winky?) as evidence of their “crime.”