West Coast Premiere of Neighborhood Watch,

RushPRNews.com – Anne Howard

?Neighborhood Watch is the touching story of a man trying to police his neighborhood from an outbreak of perverted sex.?

Los Angeles – Graeme Whifler?s ?Neighborhood Watch? ,a profoundly disturbing comedy will have its West Coast Premiere Saturday, September 23, 6 PM at the 6th annual Shriekfest Film Festival that runs September 22-24, 30-Oct. 1 in Los Angeles. Strong reaction from viewers are expected by the film director and festival?s organizers, ?It?s going to be fun to see if the audience in Hollywood are a bunch of cry babies like those in NYC, Europe and Montreal, you know, getting hives, passing out, and losing it mentally?, smiles Whifler.

Of his dark sardonic vision of the world as presented in a NBC network two-hour prime time specials titled, Ancient Prophecies, The Wall Street Journal wrote, ?One of the great assemblies of whackos, mystics, oddballs and assorted spooky mumblers, Ancient Prophecies is as much fun as you can have contemplating the end of humanity… a wonderfully cracked program.? With ?Neighborhood Watch?, Graeme demonstrates once again that his creativity is as warped as ever and challenges its viewers into confronting their most basic repulsion and fears while simultaneously accomplishing the rare feat of keeping them amused and even, one could say, giggling throughout this descent into a young couple?s suburbia personal hell.