When he wants to be a she, who are we to disagree?

CalgaryHerald.com – By Paula Arab, Calgary Herald

I know a female guitarist in Toronto who was in love with a woman, yet she insisted she was no lesbian. It turned out her girlfriend was still technically a man, but in transition. He was undergoing the extremely long process of becoming a woman and believed he wanted surgery. He was caught in limbo after the Ontario government stopped funding gender reassignment.

As time passed, it became clear the guitarist didn’t want her partner to undergo the final, er, snip. The guitarist liked that aspect of their relationship. It was all bizarre and extremely confusing, but it illustrated to me just how complicated sexuality can be. (He was a man who liked women but wanted to be a lesbian, she was a heterosexual woman who liked men but was with a man on the verge of becoming a woman. Or something like that.)