From trans-plants to transgender, here’s the lowdown on all the sex-role terms… – Mike Strobel

Boy meets girl. Girl meets boy. Boy meets boy. Girl meets girl. Boy is girl. Girl was boy. Boy meets girl/boy …

Man, oh, man, Pride Week is confusing.

I found this out while waltzing about in a velvet dress, Jennifer Aniston wig, 44DD boobs, and 4 1/2-inch heels for yesterday’s column.

The Neanderthals on the news desk wanted to headline it Gay For A Day.

Patiently, I explained most cross-dressers are straight, just a little eccentric.

Nor can you be gay for just a day. Any more than you can be Oriental for a day. Or tall. Or smart.

But you can be queen for a day.

Their eyes lit up and, voila, front page.

Today, to help guide you past the pitfalls of Pride, I have compiled a handy glossary. Cut it out and take it to the parades. Follow the players. Let’s start with the obvious.


TRANSVESTITES are real men, with all the parts. My headline could have said Transvestite For A Day. (Over my dead body.)

Transvestites are usually straight, often bi, and rarely gay. Drag queens do it for a living. Cross-dressers are hobbyists. They just have a thing for heels and lace.