What Has Sex Got to Do With It, Ex-Man Asks Court: Ann Woolner

Bloomberg.com – Commentary by Ann Woolner

(Bloomberg) – For a manly man, you could do worse than David Schroer, if you will pardon the sexual stereotype.

A full colonel when he retired from the Army in 2004 at the age of 47, Schroer qualified as an Airborne Ranger with 450 parachute jumps and won too many medals to name. He had commanded Special Forces in Haiti and southern Africa.

After the terrorist attacks on the U.S. seven years ago today, he was picked to create and direct a classified, interagency group to track terrorism and plan U.S. responses. He briefed officials up the line to Vice President Dick Cheney.

Schroer seemed a perfect fit when, in retirement, he applied for a job at the Library of Congress analyzing terrorism and international crime for Congress.