Transgenders and Homosexuals are Different – By truelife90

For some reason, some people still think transgenders are homosexuals who decide to change their sex. No! You’ve got it wrong. Transgenders are not homosexuals. Actually, they should be considered as heterosexuals.

First, we need to distinguish between “sex” and “gender”. Sex is your biological body, and it is determined by whether you have a penis or a vagina. Gender is a role that you play in the society, meaning how you would identify yourself as a male or a female. For example, a transgender’s sex might be male, but his gender is female. He identifies himself as a woman, he believes that he is supposed to be a woman, and he is attracted to men like most women. As many people out it, “Transgenders are those who are born in the wrong bodies.” Some transgenders are homophobic, but if they come out and say that, the society will probably look at them weirdly because most people would think transgenders are homosexuals. They’re not unless they identify themselves as “gay” or “lesbians”.