A New Marriage Proposal

BeyondChron.org – by Tommi Avicolli Mecca

It’s becoming a tiresome scenario. Gay marriage proponents win a round and the religious right strikes back. That’s certainly the case in Massachusetts, the only state in the country where gay marriage is now legal. Spurred on by a petition drive by a right-wing “pro-family” group, a lame duck state legislature on Tuesday January 2 backed a proposed anti-gay amendment that would define marriage as between a man and a woman. The measure must be voted on again to go on next year’s ballot. At this writing, it seems fairly certain that it will be approved, despite last minute maneuvering by the state’s newly elected Democratic governor, Deval Patrick, who supports gay marriage.

If the voters approve the measure, it will mark an end to wedding bells for queer couples. Only those with opposite genitals would legally be able to make the trip down the aisle. The proposition would not, however, invalidate the licenses of those queer couples who have already exchanged vows.