Accepting me as a person = Opening unacceptable gate? – By Ng Wan Ching

S’porean transsexual mulls over tough question

For years, Ms Leono Lo knew it was not going to be easy. Asking to be accepted on a personal and human level is in sync with Singapore’s vision of an all-inclusive society. But somehow things are different for a sex-change individual.

The gay debate might have had some airing but what about the Third Gender? Transsexuals cause discomfort because they challenge conventional notions of male and female bodies.

Part man and part woman.

Fear of the unfamiliar spawns fear of such fringe groups and their lifestyles multiplying. Will it destabilise the traditional structure of family here?

Ms Leono Lo is aware of social prejudices and has no antidote to offer.

So she’s doing the only thing she can think of – opening up and telling her story so others might see her as a human being.