Women’s Tights for Men


Many crossdressers will come across the same issues when trying to create the best feminine look and a more-curvy figure to go with that perfect little black dress or new skirt and here we address some common problems and how the ri…

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The ‘T’ Word

huffingtonpost.com – Jennifer Finney Boylan – Author, ‘She’s Not There,’ ‘I’m Looking Through You’ and ‘Stuck in the Middle With You’

Hey, can we have a conversation about the word “tranny”?

It’s a word that is generally considered dehumanizing a…

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A benefit for trans awareness

washingtonblade.com – By Steve Charing

In April 2011, Chrissy Lee Polis, a transgender woman who was 22 at the time, was beaten by two females, one a 19-year-old and the other age 14 at a McDonald’s restaurant in Rosedale, Md. The attack was caught …

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