A Polish Stonewall

gaycitynews.com – Doug Ireland

Gay/counter-culture center shuttered; protests persist on the streets

The past week saw dramatic new evidence of the ultra-conservative and homophobic regime that has taken hold in Poland since the election last Oct…

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I changed my sex. Now what?

creativeloafing.com – Curt Holman

Scott Turner Schofield’s rapid transit to a new identity

Signs Scott Turner Schofield is a man:

He looks, dresses and sounds like a man. He has a masculine name. He’s prone to let the dirty dishes pile up. He…

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Style matters to AP

Southern Voice Online – Eric Ervin

?Journalists? bible? makes changes to gay-related terms

Sometimes words can hurt, especially when they are used by thousands of journalists reaching millions of readers worldwide.

That?s why gay and transgend…

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Battle of the Sexless

citypaper.net – Ashlea Halpern

The plight of modern-day eunuchs, and why they come to Philadelphia

He could’ve filled three Pepsi cans. Maybe three and a half.

That’s how much blood Talula estimates he lost the first time he tried to castrate …

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Savage Love – Tranny pack

Boston’s Weekly Dig – Dan Savage

I?m a straight guy with conventional tastes in women. But a few years ago I accidentally ended up at a bar with drag queens. I found myself surprisingly turned on by this drag queen in a G-string that came over and s…

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Trans Mission

citypaper.net – Doron Taussig

Can a 6-year-old make up his mind about being a her? Parents at a recent conference say “yes.”

Nine years ago, after five miscarriages and 11 rounds of in vitro fertilization, a 36-year-old New Jersey woman named Ste…

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