Boys will be Girls

Having raided the pop scrapheap, Nathan and Olivier have chosen their band. Now the boys have got just four weeks to record a single, make a pop video and play live to an audience of thousands.

It looks like an impossible challenge. 6′ 2” Russ Spencer is built like a prop forward. Nineteen-year old Austin Drage is a gym-freak with Popeye biceps. Only slim, leggy Martin Ryecroft seems to have the potential to make it as a girl.

The boys’ total transformation will be helped along by a crack team of choreographers, stylists, make-up artists and voice coaches. Immediately thrown in at the deep end, the lads are kitted out with bras, corsets, padded pants and false boobs. But while Martin embraces his new girly shape, Austin and Russ are in despair. No question: they look like men in dresses.

And after a shaky session with the vocal coach and a confidence-shattering lesson on nine-inch stilettos, all three boys are starting to have their doubts.