Canadian Bishop Fred Henry: Homosexual Lifestyle . . . is Unwholesome and Immoral – By John-Henry Westen

Notes that Canadians are “unaware of the adverse effects already posed by” current legislation”; lists effects

Bishop Fred HenryCALGARY, September 12, 2006 ( – Bishop Fred Henry of Calgary has written a pastoral letter which calls on Catholics to “push back” in the battle against traditional marriage in Canada. The article, written in the forthright and courageous style Canadian Catholics have come to expect from Bishop Henry, explains that the Church approaches the issue from a standpoint of love.

Bishop Henry warns that we are headed for, and in fact are in the midst of, further attacks on marriage. He recalls cases and bills seeking equality for “the recognition and equality of what are called transgendered and transvestite people . . . for the acceptance of polygamy (more than one wife) and polyandry (more than one husband).”