Capital Pride Heroes – Capital Pride 2007

Each year, the Capital Pride Planning Committee selects a number of individuals to honor as ”Capital Pride Heroes.” These six honorees have made extraordinary efforts to bring full equality to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender communities. They will be recognized in the Capital Pride Parade on Saturday, June 9.

Sally Baird

Sally Baird became the first out lesbian elected to public office in the history of Virginia when she won the race for the Arlington County School Board in 2006. Prior to running for office, she had formed the Arlington Gay and Lesbian Alliance Family, a group for families within AGLA. She also served on the AGLA board of directors.

Dana Beyer

Over the past six years, Dr. Dana Beyer has gone from being a closeted transgender woman to a leader of the national transgender movement. In 2006, she ran a viable and well-fought campaign to become the first ever openly transgender state legislator in the United States. Although she did not win, she broke down barriers simply through her effort.