Case students cross-dress for charity – Alison Dietz, News Editor

The Observer, November 3, 2006 – Volume XXXIX, Issue 9

Case students cross-dress for charity

Thwing Ballroom was the site of some serious gender-bending last Friday as Spectrum presented its third annual Drag Ball in front of a record crowd.

Drag Ball is Spectrum’s annual charity event; half of the money raised at this year’s event went to the Beyond Identities Community Center for LGBT youth.

The group that enters the most contestants into the event chooses where the other half of the money is donated. This year Phi Kappa Tau earned that distinction, providing 10 of the 46 contestants and donating the money to their national philanthropy, the Hole in the Wall Gang Association.

This year the event raised $1064.65 for the two charities.