Spectator Between the Sheets

My.Hamilton.edu – by Johanna Pajak – Features Columnist

Ah, the Rocky Horror Picture Show Party: our modern day bacchanalian, a night that always manages to live on in infamy, for better or for worse. Each year boys and girls alike strap on their b…

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Naked drag queens

Xtra.ca – Billeh Nickerson

Art Fag – Here’s to queens that rock out with their cock out

There was a time when seeing a drag queen’s genitals meant that she didn’t do a very good job of tucking. Whether it be a stray nut succumbing to gravity as i…

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Savage Love – Klueless Kinksters

TheStranger.com – by Dan Savage

I am a straight, crossdressing male into bondage. That’s NOT my problem. Recently, I began seeing a professional Dominatrix for forced crossdressing, among other things. She was great, but our last session ended abrup…

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