Join the Mile High Club Now…

Make your fantasy a reality with Mile High Atlanta. We are located at West Georgia Regional Airport near Carrollton, GA. just a short drive from the Metro Atlanta area in rural Georgia. We will take you up to over 5,280 feet ab…

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Taxicab Confessions – Maxi Shield

This week?s topic is something a lot of us showgirls have to deal with all the time, and for those who live in the inner city it is usually once or twice a day.

As someone who has caught a taxi to and from work for the la…

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Love lifted my skirt

“DEAR DIARY: Well, after my nagging wife, my dodo sister-in-law, and Pastor Verner Blitzkrieg subjected me to an intervention last month, I finally got up nerve to attend my first Cross Dressers Anonymous for Jesus meeting.


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From principal to drag queen – Kristin Hunter

You might ask yourself: What does a principal do over the summer? Well…LHS Principal Paul Puletti is spending his summer standing on the street corner as a drag queen thanks to his youngest daughter, Sandi, who volunte…

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