YE-SHE-VA – By Rebecca Rosenberg

A Yeshiva University professor left two years ago as a man – and returned last week as a woman.

Literature Professor Joy Ladin, formerly known as Jay Ladin, 47, showed up for her first day of school sporting pink li…

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Corporate Equality Index

The seventh annual Corporate Equality Index shows an unprecedented 259 major U.S. businesses earned the top rating of 100 percent, up from 195 last year – an increase of one third. Detailed information on each employer rated is included in t…

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Transgender Job Bank Website Launching – by mj petroni

T-Job Bank ( is designed to connect trans-friendly and trans-positive employers with trans job seekers. Spurred by a transgender job-seeker dissatisfied with her experience of recruiters, career f…

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Police defend action over sex-swap officer

A police officer who is undergoing a sex change has praised her bosses for the way they have handled her transition.

Known only as Lauren, the 42-year-old Grimsby Pc, who suffers from Gender Identity Disorder, told the Grimsby…

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Trends: the makeover industry – Helen Hawkes

Think you’re too fat, plain, unfit, out of style or not reaching your potential?

Thanks to TV shows such as Trinny And Susannah Undress The Nation and How To Look Good Naked, most of us know there’s an “exp…

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