All that Glitters – As told to Sunny Burns

In 1970, my Muslim parents migrated from a little village in Turkey to start a family in Sydney. I was born in August a year later. I fell into performing by fate when, in the first year of high school, I went …

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Nose Ring As Thorn – Pushpa Iyengar on Rose

He was unhappy with his body. Now, more comfy in her skin, Rose awaits her TV talk show. …

“Being a star is not easy,” declares Rose, as she arrives fashionably late. Draped in a yellow sari and matchi…

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Culture shock makes us cringe, then change – Hyein Lee

Bebe Scarpi, the only transgender high school principal in America, was our guest lecturer last Tuesday for the class “Policing Same Sex Desires.”

“I’ve never identified myself as transgender,” she said. “I prefe…

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The Gender Conundrum – By Laura Fitzpatrick

It’s a parent’s nightmare dilemma: experts say there’s a fifty-fifty chance your child will attempt suicide before age 20. Should you opt for an experimental medical treatment that might prevent it? Parents of childre…

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Let transgender brother have his say – Jeanne Phillips Dear Abby

DEAR ABBY: “Anonymous in Arizona” was wondering how to explain to her future children that their father’s brother was born a girl, particularly in childhood photos in which he appears as a girl. While most …

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I Was a Teenage Drag Queen: Part 1 – By Robert Joki

When I first came out of the closet I was wearing a pair of my mother’s shoes. I tripped over a Bible and found myself in an extremely conservative suburb. I wanted very much to meet other people like myself but I was…

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Finding her true self – Richard Ruelas – The Arizona Republic

After difficult metamorphosis, transsexual woman just wants to fit in

It sounds odd coming from a person whose large hoop earrings dangle near her Adam’s apple, who brushes her long blond hair…

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Fighting for Future Freedom – As told to Cara Davis

My whole life changed about five years ago when I joined the Greens in outrage over the Tampa affair. I then helped organise the meeting that the Redfern community group REDWatch sprang out of. And soon I had en…

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TransGender Michigan celebrates 10 years – By Jason A. Michael

“I do this work so people don’t have to be lonely; so they don’t have to be devastated. When I came out as trans, I was devastated. Within in a few months, I lost my marriage, my job, my career. But out of that …

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My husband became my best girlfriend – By Louette Harding

Nine years ago Martin Packer told his wife that he was a transsexual — and became Emma. Today, their relationship is stronger than ever. Louette Harding reveals why

Linda Packer married in December 1977 – whit…

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