Please do not call me tranny – By Joanne Herman – An exclusive

Not sure what is “politically correct” when speaking with a transgender person? Here’s a primer on what to say. Part 11 in The Advocate’s ongoing Transgender 101 series.

Just after tran…

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Reassessing gender reassignment – Gina Rosemellia – Staff Writer

The phrase, “I’m a woman trapped inside a man’s body,” provokes many reactions from people, most commonly an uncomfortable giggle.

A Batavia high school science teacher has begun the process o…

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Trapped in between worlds – By Andrea Boyarsky – Staten Island Advance

Not comfortable with the sex they were assigned at birth, transgender people struggle with their identities

With his short, spiked hair, baggy jeans and collared shirt, Jamie Gagne appears t…

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Reflections on He That Once Seemed Invisible – by Tobias Novak

The ?heartsong? in this poem is my transness, that part of my being where my sex/gender and body/mind do not match. What do I mean by transness? The answer is twofold.

First, I mean transsexual, or, the fa…

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Dragging it out – Kathryn Parker

Students and faculty share their experiences from performing as drag kings and queens

In the dressing room guys and girls are running around, putting on lipstick and eye-liner, pulling hair back and…

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Takin it all off – By Nadine Brown, Guardian Staff Reporter

Looking at her the average person sees a normal middle-aged woman with a pleasing personality and a ready smile. However in reality this is one of a small percentage of transgender peo…

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Man shocked by friends transsexual revelation – Abigail Van Buren

Dear Abby: About a month ago, I was shocked out of my shoes. My longtime friend, ‘Orville,’ told me he had bought $280 worth of women’s clothes. He went on to describe how ‘great’ it feels to wear them. He says he …

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Does Joe consider himself a metrosexual? – Prince Joe Henry

Hey Joe: Do you consider yourself a metrosexual? I do.

Jake Gyllenhaal, on location in Beirut, Lebanon

The word “metrosexual” threw me for a loop. I had to research its source to learn if it fit the cate…

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