Drag Club Battle of Sexes Suit

NYPost.com – By Alex Ginsberg

A man claims a female employee of gender-bending restaurant Lucky Cheng’s roughed him up, and he now wants the East Village eatery to pay up.

In a lawsuit filed this month in Brooklyn Supreme Court, Sasha O’Malley, 33, alleges an employee of the famed hangout sliced his face with a broken wineglass, a wound requiring 28 stitches.

On July 27, 2005, 5-foot-4 O’Malley was there to see drag queen Rainblo.

Five-foot-10 Samantha Gibson allegedly tapped his head as he tried to pass through a crowded area, saying, “Hey, little person, you can’t do that.”

“I thought the person was a drag queen,” he said.

Confused, O’Malley asked what was wrong. A confrontation ensued, with Gibson allegedly grabbing O’Malley’s arm.