Happy New Year

Well, 2004 is almost over. URNotAlone is about to enter it’s 10th year online. Heck, Dan has been with us for five years now. It’s staggering when you think about where we’ve come since the very beginning.

We just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been with us on this journey. So many people from the very beginning and many just joining us recently.

URNA is more than a personals site, it has become our family.

For those of you in the Boston or New England area, Dan, Jon and of course, Vicky will be out at Jacque’s Cabaret for New Years Eve (Friday, December 31st), so if you are in the area, stop by and help us ring in the New Year.

We’ve got a ton of new features coming in 2005, and as always, your feedback and participation are greatly appreciated.

Good luck and Best Wishes in the New Year
Dan, Jon and Vicky

For your viewing pleasure… here’s a pic of Dan hard at work on some of our Upcoming New Features:)