Jon and Vicky in Puerto Rico

Vicky and I will be on a much needed Vacation in Puerto Rico from May 25th through June 3rd. We will not be checking our eMail while we’re in Puerto Rico so if you need any assistance with URNA, please send requests via the Support Link (also found at the bottom of the pages) so it will go to Dan and I, that way Dan can assist.

You also won’t be seeing many, if any, Article updates while we’re gone. Dan is pretty busy working on new features for URNA and I usually post the Articles. I’ll resume regular Article postings when we get back on June 3rd or 4th. If past trips are any indication, I expect there to be well over 25,000 eMails in my Inbox when we return, so bear with me if you send me an eMail direct as it will take me several days to slog through them all when we return.