Jon, Vicky & Dan vacationing in Miami, FL Area

Update: 3/29/05: We’ll be back:


at Trixies on Thursday, 3/31… hope to see more of you then:)

Jon, Vicky and Dan will be vacationing in Florida around the Ft. Lauderdale / Miami area from Saturday, 3/26 – Saturday, 4/2. We’ll be at Trixies Bar on the evening of Saturday, 3/26. If you can make it to Trixies Bar on the evening of 3/26 make sure to look for us and stop by to say Hi:) Other than that our plans for the rest of the week are up in the air.

We plan on exploring the area during the days with the goal of relocating to Southern Florida sometime around the summer of 2006. Call this an Exploratory Expedition to try and get an idea of where we might want to live somewhere in the area between Ft. Lauderdale and Miami:)

Sarafina will be in the area with us but won’t be able to make it to Trixies Bar on the 26th as she’ll be in the Tampa Area that night.

If you have any suggestions for us while we’re in Florida, we’ll be happy to hear them. We’ll be fairly busy during the day but most of our evenings are open. This is a vacation for us… not work… for a change:)

Just a note. We’ll be on dial-up while in Florida and Dan and I will be sharing a machine so eMail responses will be sporadic while we’re in Florida… so… bear with us if you send us eMail during this period…