Kevin Keeps On – Trenton Straube

Club icon Aviance vows to make Pride appearance

Nightlife performance artist Kevin Aviance is recovering in an undisclosed location after surviving a hate-crime attack at 1:30am last Saturday in the East Village.

The attack left him with a broken jaw, a fractured knee, a fractured neck and lots of bruises, said Aviance?s publicist, Len Evans.

The four young men charged with first degree assault as a hate crime are members of the violent street gangs The Bloods and the Crips, Evans confirmed.

Police recommended that Aviance not return to his apartment because other gang members may target him there, Evans said. Aviance is staying at an undisclosed location, where his father, sisters and best friends are caring for him.

However, Aviance still plans to make an appearance at Junior Vasquez and John Blair?s Gay Pride club event Sun., June 25, at Spirit.

According to reports, Aviance was beaten and kicked after leaving the gay bar Phoenix, located at 13th Street and Avenue A.

?Kevin said that this is like being raped or mugged or having your soul taken,? said Evans, who must speak for his client because Aviance?s jaw is wired shut. Aviance has also been advised not to speak to press for legal reasons.