Latvia – Member of the Month

Latvia is the Member of the Month for January 2022! This is our first Member of the Month selection since the ownership change at We couldn’t be more pleased with our choice! Latvia is an active member of URNA chat and has posted over 500 photos at the time of this article. Her beauty first caught our eye but her substance is impressive. Read through our interview with Latvia to see why.

Latvia Bio

Chat Username: Latvia
Gender: M2F Trans Woman
Location: England
Age: 22
Height: 5’6″ / 167.64 cm
Profession: Self-employed
Relationship Status: Single
Number of photos in chat profile: 500+
Chat Profile Links:

Latvia – profile in Trans Support Chat
Latvia – profile in Trans Adult Chat

Latvia – January 2022 Member of the Month Interview

URNA: Tell us a little about yourself.

Latvia: My M2F journey started at quite a young age, I was full-time at age 12 and started HRT at 16. I have had a few tweaks since then and consider myself totally female even though I am non GRS.

URNA: What is your Favorite quote?

Latvia: “Never look down on anyone, unless you’re helping them up!”

Latvia Trans Chat Profile Photos

URNA: What do you like to do for fun?

Latvia: I like listening to music, love dogs and I have an interest in history, especially UK history. I enjoy socializing with friends, walking, going shopping, clubbing and travel.

URNA: If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your 10-year-old self?

Latvia: Be true to yourself. Be kind and understanding to others.

URNA: What advice would you give other trans women who are just beginning their gender journey?

Latvia: Be brave, even when you feel the world is against you. Trust in yourself and fight for what you believe in. Always remember that if it is what you really want nothing and no one will stand in your way and there is a beautiful shining light at the end of the tunnel.

Latvia Trans Chat Profile Photos

URNA: What advice would you give male trans admirers?

Latvia: Remember we are NOT porn stars! Be yourself and treat us as you would any woman because that’s what we are!

URNA: Where else can people follow or get to know you better?

Latvia: I am in the process of setting up my own website but I am very busy until the new year when I hope it will be up and running and will post the address on my profile.

URNA: You are welcome to add anything else you would like:

Latvia: I currently have no social media. I may go back to Facebook but am not sure as yet. Hence my abundance of pix on the site, I use this as my social media for now.

Latvia – URNA Miss January 2022

Feel free to leave a comment for Latvia below and then go to trans chat where you can get to know her better. See Latvia’s profile links for both trans support chat and trans adult chat listed in her bio.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Photos of Latvia are subject to copyright protection. These member photos are used here with express permission for viewing on this page only. No other use is permitted without the consent of the owner.

12 thoughts on “Latvia”

  1. Thank you! We appreciate Latvia’s active participation in URNA chat and her agreeing to be featured as our first Member of the Month. Latvia is one of our most active members. You will find her to be welcoming of friend requests and polite conversation, so don’t be shy. We believe Latvia is going to do special things and we look forward to supporting her in any future endeavors.

    • Thank you Janelle. I think so too ! LOL
      Seriously, as I mentioned before I feel honoured to have been chosen and hope you say ‘Hi’ in chat.


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