NYC Transsexual Settles Discrimination Complaint – by Newscenter Staff

(New York City) Upscale New York City-based discount apparel chain Loehmann?s has agreed to add “gender identity and gender expression” to its corporate non-discrimination policy as part of an agreement ending a discrimination complaint against the company by New York transsexual woman.

Jane Galla on two occasions was ordered out of fitting rooms and restrooms at the chain?s flagship store on Manhattan?s Seventh Avenue.

On April 30, 2006, Galla was shopping at Loehmann?s but when she tried to enter the women?s fitting room to use a private stall to try on a garment she was told that she would have to use the men?s fitting room.

On a previous occasion, in December 2005, a Loehmann?s employee followed Galla into the women?s restroom at the same store and told her in front of other customers that she was not allowed to use that restroom.

With the help of the Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund Galla filed a complaint with the New York City Commission on Human Rights.

This week the TLDEF announced today that it had reached an agreement with Loehmann’s.