President Zapatero Drops Slightly in Spain

Public backing for Jos? Luis Rodr?guez Zapatero fell this month in Spain, according to a poll by Instituto Opina released by Cadena Ser. 49.1 per cent of respondents approve of the president?s performance, down 2.7 points since late September.

Zapatero?of the Socialist Worker?s Party (PSOE)?was sworn in as president of the government in April 2004, following his party?s victory in the legislative ballot. The conservative Popular Party (PP) had administered the government under Jos? Mar?a Aznar since 1996.

Support is steady for current PP leader Mariano Rajoy. 31.4 per cent of respondents approve of the opposition leader?s performance, up 0.2 points since late September.

Zapatero?s government has passed several bills regarding sexual liberties, including one that legalized same-sex marriage in Spain. On Nov. 9, the legislature approved legislation that will allow people who have been diagnosed with gender-identity disorder to legally change their gender, without the need of surgery. PSOE spokesperson Carmen Mont?n declared, “This law was a socialist promise of this government that we have kept.”