See Tom Be Jane

Village Voice – Julia Reischel

The country’s youngest transgender child is ready for school. But is school ready for her?

Nicole has been insisting she’s female since she could talk.

It’s a spring break morning, and by 11 a.m. at the Anderson home, chaos is erupting. School is out for the week, and the twin boys are throwing a ball inside the spacious, two-story house. Upstairs, the preteen daughter pretends not to hear her mother calling. Lauren Anderson, a tanned and well-dressed stay-at-home mom who seems incapable of sitting still, cajoles her offspring to behave as she waits for a babysitter to arrive.

Her youngest, Nicole, five, is frowning. Nicole’s face is framed with delicate brown braids, and her fingernails are painted a rainbow of colors. She plans to go swimming with a friend at the community pool, but at the moment, she doesn’t like the way her dress feels. She yanks the hot-pink halter-top over her head, telling her mother, “This is poking me. I want to change my dress.”

Minutes later, she scampers back, now as naked as a jaybird except for her underwear. Without the dress, you can clearly see her penis, tucked carefully into her pink patterned panties.