Think pink – By Robert Baxter – Courier-Post Staff

You can listen to Pink or play a recording by Pink Floyd. You can paint the town — or just your toenails — pink. You can drive a pink Cadillac or sip a pink martini or a pink lemonade.

For the next month, you also can view visions of pink by more than 100 artists featured in “Pink at Perkins,” on display through Nov. 25 in the Moorestown and Collingswood galleries of the Perkins Center for the Arts.

Curator Hope Proper subtitles the exhibit “The Contradictory Character of a Complex Color.”

“In its myriad incarnations, the color pink elicits a wide range of contradictory responses and emotions,” explains Proper, who lives in Moorestown. “Depending on its context, pink can be innocent or erotic, sophisticated or tacky, cool or hot, humorous, sweet and friendly or serious, depressing and off-putting.”