Trans Death Rate A Nightmare

Attack Average: One Every Three Months

Though horrific, Ruby Ordenana’s murder last week in San Francisco hardly qualifies as original. The 27-year old woman’s violent death counts as just one of many tranny-related murders. The Gender Public Advocacy Coalition reports that since 1995, at least fifty trans persons under the age of 30 have been brutalized simply for their physical “deviance”. And that number will only continue to rise.

GPAC executive director Riki Wilchins delivers the startling, disturbing news:

Ruby’s murder is not an exception. Gender non-conforming young people ? who have often been shut out of employment, housing, and safe environments because of their gender identity or expression ? are dying at a rate of about one every three months.

While victims; trans status may be a malicious motivator, it appears race also plays a factor. According to Wilchins, “These young victims were almost all Black or Latina, transgender or gay, biologically male, and murdered in attacks of extraordinary violence”. Scary shit, that. Even more frightening, GPAC claims that if FBI hate crime statistics specifically featured trans violence, they would “outweigh every other category except race”. It’s hard out there for a pimpette.