URNA Staff 2006-01-06 00:00:00

SPARKLE ? Official Press Release (January 2006)

Last year the very first Sparkle event was truly fantastic because for the first time it really brought the whole TG community together and created the largest TG gathering the world has ever seen…
Well, we can do even better than that this time!

Sparkle 2006 ? 23rd, 24th and 25th June 2006

This year?s event will take on board the valuable comments and lessons learned from last year and at the same time incorporate some great new ideas from the Sparkle team. So just to whet your appetite, here?s a small taster of what to expect:

The event will again be held in Manchester as it is one of the most accessible cities from all over the UK and Europe. The hotels are plentiful, close to the event and offer great value for money, and the ?Village? is the perfect stage for our celebration! This is your chance to celebrate being TG with a wide range of people ? and it is an opportunity to celebrate ?out of the closet? but at the same time in a safe and secure environment.

Sparkle Street ? and they thought it was Canal Street! Yes, we will be taking over a section of Canal Street, from Via Fossa and AXM to View (formerly Prague V). As all the entertainment both during the day and in the evening will be in one area, it will allow us to decorate the street even more than last year. Miss English Rose and Miss Sparkle will be back but they will be complemented by bands, comedians, shows and more. It?ll be a fun packed weekend from Friday night to Sunday lunchtime.

Sparkle Point ? back at the MMU only one minute?s walk from Sparkle Street, ok five minutes in really high-heels! This year we will be adding more to the exciting lectures, keeping the great bits from last year and incorporating workshops plus a bigger exhibition. From photography to make-up, the exciting new workshops draw on the talents from our community and are no to be missed.

OK, so we have only given you a taster and not told you specifics ? that?s because much is still being planned and besides too much too soon would spoil the fun! Over the next few months we will be revealing more and more of the details so by the weekend itself you will be ready to have the time of your lives!

As with last year, the build up to Sparkle will see ?Sparkle Dinners? from January to May designed to raise money and support the event and so keep it FREE to all who attend. Theses great nights out will also help to build up the excitement in the months prior to June! Regular updates will be available on:
The Angels and Rose’s Forum and Sparkle.

The Sparkle Team