Transgender teen free to be herself – By Debra Dennis – The Dallas Morning News

Fort Worth ? When Rochelle Evans chooses what she’s going to wear to Eastern Hills High School each day, her choices aren’t solely fashion statements. To Rochelle, her flats, makeup and wome…

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The politics of passing – By Ryan Lee

Is there anything wrong with letting people think you?re straight?

Whether by the braided Mohawk atop his head, the soft features on his cleanshaven face or his tendency to wear form-fitting jeans and T-shirts, Avery Sparks…

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(Rethinking) Gender – By Debra Rosenberg – Newsweek

A growing number of Americans are taking their private struggles with their identities into the public realm. How those who believe they were born with the wrong bodies are forcing us to re-examine what …

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No Big Deal – By Lorraine Ali

A veteran of corporate America says big companies are leading the way in helping transgender social reform.

Margaret Stumpp, 54, is a vice president at Prudential Financial Inc. A 20-year veteran, she is the first…

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I Had To Fix My Life – By Terri O’Connell

A NASCAR champion gave up everything to become a woman. Can she reclaim her racing life?

J.T. Hayes won over 500 regional and national championships in go-kart, midget and sprint racing and competed in NASCAR Wi…

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Dignity for All – By Jacob Anderson-Minshall

Asian American transgender activist Pauline Park considers the push for gender-neutral pronouns in the U.S. ?profoundly ahistorical.?

?Gender-neutral pronouns are not native to the English language,? sh…

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