The Gender Agenda – Katrina Fox reports

Are single-sex spaces an outmoded concept in today?s increasingly queer world?

Last week, transgender activist Norrie May-Welby was turned away from the cruise lounge of sex-on-premises venue, The Pl…

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Reparative therapy represses – Cindy Rodr?guez

Even an exorcism couldn’t scare the gay out of Peterson Toscano.

But that is the lengths he went to because his evangelical Christian church brainwashed him into thinking he was abnormal.

Toscano, 41, said he s…

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Trans prostitutes need help, not scorn

Trans prostitutes need help, not scorn

Re ?Trans activist smears fellow trans people? (Sound Off, July 28):

A reader suggested that ?we are mostly law-abiding citizens,? challenging activist DeeDee Chamblee?s suggestion that sex work …

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Dear Abby : Transvestites wife can relax – By Jeanne Phillips

DEAR ABBY: Please tell me if I’m going crazy. My husband of 30 years recently admitted that he enjoys wearing my undergarments! At first I was shocked, but now I am over it. We went shopping together and bought him…

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The Seen: Ambrosia Salad – Michael Steck

“The Seen? is a series of articles that are about the people we see in our GLBT community all the time. We may know them by name or we may know them by face but however we know them, our scene would not be the same w…

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Fantastic plastic – Matthew Hays

Amanda Lepore, the ?world?s number one transsexual,? on cosmetic surgery, her Hollywood influences and how to make your own glamour

New York-based model and performer Amanda Lepore knew she was different from a v…

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Paul van Reyk and Liz Ellis

Paul van Reyk may fall well outside some people’s definition of a family man, but that doesn’t men he’s not a great dad. Paul is a gay man who has fathered children with several different women through artificial insemination, but rather tha…

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No longer on the fringe – Matt Kiefer

Slaying raises awareness of violence in transgender community

Life never stood still for Krystal Heskin.

At 31 years old, she didn’t have a steady job or a place to stay. She picked up and moved constantly, carry…

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Gay parents and gender-bending children – Arlene Istar Lev, LCSW

Kyle?s lesbian moms are worried that he likes dolls and girls? clothes. But shouldn?t LGBT parents be more accepting of gender-nonconforming kids? Or do we worry they?re bad PR for gay parenting?

Gay parents …

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