A Heads Up – Internet Conman

From a Member with 1st Hand Experience…


PLEASE have a look at this site – Colin Barden the Internet Conman.

It is about a gentleman who preys particularly on the Gay Community but nothing would stop him moving onto our littl…

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Happy New Year!

The Staff and Volunteers at URNotAlone would like to wish you a Happy New Year! Good luck and stay safe. As you can imagine, we have some pretty big things planned for 2004 so stay tuned!

Be sure to stop by our booth at First Event and say hi!


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Topsites is Back

Many of you will be pleased to know that the URNA/ModelTS Topsites list is Back! That’s right, after a couple of false starts, we are finally bringing back our most popular traffic generating feature.

It’s pretty simple. Sign-up for a banner, you wi…

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Our Logo Contest Winners!

Well, we asked, and you provided. We had more entries than you could shake a stick at, and it looks like our members have put a LOT of thought into their designs. Like everything else, it really helped reenforce for the staff here at URNA that our memb…

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URNA’s Logo Contest

URNotAlone.com has sure come a long way in eight years. We’ve gone through at least four major designs, and our list of FREE services only continues to grow.

As part of our on-going efforts to improve the site, we are finally at a point where we can…

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Simplified Profile Links are Back!

That’s right, simplified profiles have returned! Thanks to one of our Members, Raina, and a lot of poking around on the server, I’ve managed to restore our old naming convention for linking to member profiles.

Instead of


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Our Latest Upgrade!

First, the “Bad News” – A few of our services (Chat, Member Logon) will be offline for the next 24 hours (August 21-22)

What’s the good news you ask? We’ve upgraded the URNotAlone server!

That’s right, we’ve moved from our little 800 MHz AMD serv…

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