Global Distance Sorting is Here!

We are very pleased to announce that the distance sorting utilities that members in the United States have enjoyed for so long (and more recently our Canadian members) are now available for everyone! We’ve had to change some of our code, as well as add…

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We’ve Redesigned Galleries!

We are very pleased to announce that our Gallery Section is now “New and Improved”! Some of you have noticed minor changes, enhancements and even a slight bump in speed over the last few weeks, but now our primary interface for finding photo galleries …

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Hot Lists & Friend Lists are HERE!

One of the most asked for features on URNA has been the addition of Hot Lists and Friend Lists. Well, the wait is over. Registered Members will notice two new tabs in the Account section that will allow them to manage their lists. In addition, Register…

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Online Pending Profiles

After a great deal of discussion, and a few heated arguments, URNotAlone has decided to make pending profiles available on our site. These are members who have completed ALL of the required information, but have not yet uploaded a photo that meets our …

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Our New Forums

URNotAlone is proud to announce a new addition to our site. URNA now provides forums where registered members can post and reply to questions. Reading our forums if open to the public, but you MUST have a Registered Account (Photo and Profile Online) i…

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Our Past Polls

One of the things that makes URNA stand out from so many other sites, is that we are constantly working to improve your experience here. URNA exists in it’s present form, because we respond to your needs and request.

Here are the results from past …

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It’s Almost Christmas

Some of you may have noticed the minor changes that are occurring around URNA. For instance, we recently added a “Status Bar” to every page of the site that shows you instantly how many people are online, how many people are chatting, and gives you a s…

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Our New Event Calendar

URNA is proud to announce our new Event Calendar! Now you can find the most current events, happening right in your own back yard!

Our Event list is also tied directly into our massive Places database Not only can you associate events with Locations…

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Our New Photo Upload Page

Now that things have settled down from our move, we have been able to spend some time fixing bugs and making some much need improvements to the site.

Our latest Update is the Photo Upload page. In an effort to make it easier to manage your Profile p…

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